3-17-2021 SNOW HILL- The Town of Snow Hill is currently seeking applications for the position of Town Manager. Town Hall staff, Margot Resto, states that “the Town Manager must have experience in Town Management and possess skills in myriad areas. It is a unique skill set that requires both detailed business acumen and creative, out-of-the box thinking. Snow Hill is experiencing a lot of positive growth recently, including the end of March arrival of their new acquisition, the Black-Eyed Susan Riverboat, and the ground-breaking of its new, 50-home development, Huntingfields, to name just a few projects. The Town Manager will need to be able to handle not just the day-to-day operations of keeping a Town running smoothly and solvently, during a pandemic, but also keep the Town’s Strategic Plan in sight and stay on track, while maintaining a productive relationship with the Mayor and Council.” Gary Weber, current Interim Town Manager, has been serving the Town in this position for almost two years. He was originally elected as Mayor in 2019. At that time, the Town Manager position was vacant, and Weber served simultaneously as Mayor and Acting Town Manager until a suitable candidate could be hired, for one full year, unpaid. Candidates who applied during that year were either asking for a higher salary than the Town could afford, or they didn’t possess desired qualifications. After a year in the position, Mr. Weber then decided to formally apply. After reviewing all viable applications received, the Town Council voted to hire Mr. Weber as Interim Town Manager on a one-year contractual basis, and Weber resigned as Mayor. Weber asked for a salary $13,000 less than the budgeted amount for the position, and declined the offered benefits, which saved the town approximately $35,000 overall for that year. Council then followed Charter stipulations and appointed current Interim Mayor, Tammy Simpson, to finish Weber’s term. It is now coming up on the Town’s next General Election on May 4th for the offices of Mayor, Central District Council, and Western District Council. Per the Town’s charter and the Council’s agreed upon vote, the next Mayor will review the Town Manager applications received and provide the Council with his or her choice(s). It is then the Council’s decision to make the final vote on hiring the Town Manager. Interim Town Manager, Gary Weber’s application will be reviewed alongside all other viable applications. For more information on the job description and qualifications, visit: . The application deadline is April 12. Interested applicants may send a letter and resumé to: [email protected]. Questions: call Margot Resto at 410-632-2080, ext. 102.
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